
Poetry about feelings from life

I am the health coach who decided to release my poems in book form. A dream from my teenage years that became a reality in 2024. This year, the book will be released in English, and part two is also soon to be completed.

It feels exciting to share my thoughts and feelings with the world. My dream is to help people understand that we are not defined by our past, traumas, emotions, or ingrained beliefs. There is a new path forward in life.


Anna Baard-Blixt

I am Anna Baard-Blixt - a former elite athlete and single mom living in the beautiful archipelago city of Karlskrona. During the day, I run a private health practice that I have owned for the past 12 years. When I am not working, I enjoy spending time with my 8-year-old son, Oliver.

After a life-changing event in Malmö when I was 19 years old, my brain suddenly wanted to start writing poems. Early on, I decided that they would eventually become a book since I was proud of them. However, it took 26 years before it finally saw the light of day in December 2024. Various traumas reignited my writing six years ago, resulting in two completed poetry books filled with emotions and reflections that most people can relate to.

Sharing my innermost thoughts and reflections with you all is incredibly exciting. I also hope that my books can be a guiding light to help you find yourselves and thrive. Emotions are meant to be felt and need time to be processed. Remember, you are never alone.

Feel free to visit the practice's website if you need help with your health and well-being.

My Swedish books

The Debut Book-
Ensam kvinna får alltid lift

Ensam kvinna får alltid lift

Released 2024-12-01

A poetry book about the ups and downs of life mixed with thoughts on society's injustices, concluding with a bonus for all who want to feel their best.

Find my books here:

Adlibris (e-book)

Bokon (e-book)

Kindle (e-book)

Worldwide (e-book)

Amazon (printed)

Away for test reading
Ensam kvinna får alltid lift - del 2

Ensam kvinna får alltid lift - del 2

Coming in 2025

Poems from the adult perspective and deeper traumas that are shared by many. Also, directing more attention to the dark sides of society.

On going -

book about lust for you who have lost it

Name confidential for now

Coming in 2025

A self-help guide for women who have lost themselves or their desire along the way. Rediscover your inner sex goddess!

My webshop

To be released on

World Poetry Day

Read more about the day here...


To be released the 21st of March

To celebrate the World Poetry day the English translation of my first book, titled "The Little Princess is Dead" will be released the 21st of March. In this book, you will find poems about coming of age, love, relationships, parenthood, and everything else that many of us experience throughout life.

Take advantage of the introductory price by pre-ordering it during the entire first month. Everyone who preorders also has the chance to win great prizes.

Join here...

Check out my videos

In addition to writing books, I have a health channel on YouTube that was created during the pandemic to help people better understand their bodies.

Our well-being is always relevant, so feel free to check out the various segments.

(In Swedish)

From "Ensam kvinna får alltid lift"

A current issue that has greatly impacted my life

More from "Ensam kvinna får alltid lift

What others think about my books

Alyssa Meyers, editor

”It’s been such a joy to work on these poems. They’re filled with so much emotion and depth, and I think they’ll really speak to people on a personal level. Your words have a way of drawing readers in and making them reflect on life and love in a meaningful way.”

Review from Amazon

Deeply crafted life portraits in poetic form. Hard to put down and easy to pick up. It's evident that the poems are written in the moment and not with the intention of putting together a book. The texts feel very genuine as they both convey experiences and reflections that the author has gathered over several years...

Review from Amazon

"The Little Princess is Dead" is a collection of poems that feels honest and so close that at times, I find it hard to continue reading. The longing to be loved, to love, and the anguish of not being loved or not being able to love, is incredibly powerful. The book stirs up so many thoughts and emotions that it must be read slowly and several times...

Read more reviews here...

Click to read a sample

Contact me today!


If you have a question or would like to collaborate with me, feel free to contact me and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
